
Emerald Isle Manpower

A Guide To Screening Interview You Need To Know About.

Job Interview

A job interview is one of the most important stages in the recruitment process. A job interview can make or break your career.

Often companies these days tend to have a different approach when it comes to conducting interviews and selecting the relevant candidates. Candidates will have to go through rounds of interviews prior to getting selected for a specific job role.

So, you may ask what is a screening interview and why do HR of a company conduct such interviews. Let’s walk you through the guide in detail and how to prepare for such interviews, as well as the best practices when facing the interview.

  1. What is a screening interview
  2. How to get ready for a screening interview that goes well
  3. Best Practices when facing a screening interview

What is a screening interview

A screening interview is basically a shorter version of a job interview, these interviews are usually conducted via a phone call or a video based conference meeting call. Here at Emerald Isle Manpower we usually conduct our screening interviews based on walk-in face to face. 

If the candidate is successful upon facing the interview and is qualified for the relevant job, the candidate further is transferred to the main interview.

How to get ready for a screening interview that goes well

Now you must be wondering how are you going to prepare for this interview and how would you face this interview. Well, you don’t have to worry as screening interviews are usually conducted asking the most basic career related questions.

Prior to facing a screening interview we advise you to follow these meaningful steps to help you prepare and equip yourself with confidence in facing such interviews. Here are the steps to prepare for your next screening interview:

Ensure you review the job description well

Prior to applying for a job ensure you go through the relevant job description well look into the preferred qualifications and skills, furthermore what would be the main responsibilities that would be expected by the company. Make sure to list down the key responsibilities, qualifications and skills and evaluate based on how well it aligns with you.

Company Research

After having looked at the relevant job opening and having looked at the job description, You can further research about the company, understand the background of the company, what they specialize in and what sort of industry they are based on, ensuring you understand its mission and vision is of utmost importance. 

The reason why you would want to research a company is because to check if a specific company aligns with you at the end of the day a company you work in should always be relevant and in contrast with your beliefs. 

But that is not the only reason why you should research about a company, usually when it comes to interviews common questions an interviewer would ask you is “What do you know about our company?” They usually ask this  because they want to hire someone who shares their goals and can help them fulfill the company’s mission statement. During an interview, the employer is looking to see if you’ve researched their company.

Understand your CV well

Go through your CV and understand the content you have compiled well, have descriptions of your past roles and your experiences that demonstrate you are ability ready. Describe your three most significant achievements and how they reflect your suitability for the position you’re applying for.

Best Practices When Facing A Screening Interview

We advise you to make the best out of your screening interview by giving a strong and positive impression to the interviewer, by giving a strong and positive impression would make the interviewer consider you for further process or short list you. Here are few tips to help you leave a strong impression:

Show Enthusiasm

Showing enthusiasm is very crucial when it comes to interviewers looking for candidates who are passionate about working for their company. Ensure you show enthusiasm by communicating to the interviewer on how interested you are in the position and passionate about helping the company achieve their goals and mission.

Smile or show delightness while you speak

When discussing the work you’ve done, when you ask questions, or when you’re expressing your passion working for the organization, smile or demonstrate sincerity. The difference in tone will be obvious to the interviewer, and it can significantly affect how enthusiastic you sound about a job.

Be authentic and straightforward

Ensure you are authentic and straightforward when it comes to answering the questions of the interviewer, information has to be authentic and easy to understand.

Ask questions

You may have encountered interviewers asking you “Do you have any questions for us?” The best time to ask any questions you may have regarding your position or the business is now.

You may ask the interviewer for advice on how you can excel better in the position you may be considered to be shortlisted. This leaves a positive remark to the interviewer showing you are keen to learn and also willing to give your utmost best in the relevant position.

You also may ask questions about the company and its future. This gives you a better understanding on where the company sees itself in the next few years and where it would like to add value within the industry. Asking these would also leave a positive remark to the interviewer where they feel that you are in the best of interests on the company’s future.

End the interview on a positive note

After having attended to the interview process, finally prior to the interview concluding thank the interviewer for their time and show gratitude for the time given as well as the opportunity for being shortlisted for the screening interview. Wish the company and the interviewer the best.