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Essential Things To Carry When You Travel Abroad For A Job

Essential Items to Pack for Abroad

Packing can be a joyful activity that adds to some people’s vacation enjoyment and excites them for their impending trip. Regardless of whatever group you fit into, if you’re moving abroad to begin a new profession, you’ll eventually need to consider what to pack.

There are a few things to consider before you start packing frantically and dusting off your suitcase. Depending on your type of employment and the weather where you’re traveling, you’ll need to take different things, so here you’ll find essential packing advice and a packing list for international travel that addresses the most essential items.

Climate And Location

Are you going to spend your time in a place with chilly weather or on a hot, humid tropical island? Always do your homework on the climate of the area you’re going to, as you could be shocked at how different it is from what you expect. This should be reflected in your packing list if you’re going abroad. For instance, Dublin, Ireland, can experience winter temperatures below zero and summer temperatures in the low 30s.

Packing List

Here are all the necessities you’ll need to bring, regardless of your work or location. We’ll talk about your documentation, first aid supplies, travel necessities, toiletries, clothing, and work items.


  • Passport – Check your passport thrice times to verify it’s still valid for at least another six months.
  • ID documentation – A second photo ID, such as a driver’s license or a state or local ID, is required. In case it gets lost, keep it apart from your passport.
  • Boarding pass: To save time at the airport, print your boarding card or have a mobile version available on your phone.
  • Important document copies: Keep your vital document copies distinct from the originals at all times.
  • Bank cards – Look for a bank card that offers free ATM withdrawals as well as maybe a credit card that doesn’t charge foreign transaction fees. Make sure your bank is aware of your travel plans and the duration of your travels; this will help them confirm that any withdrawals from your account are legitimate and prevent them from blocking your card.
  • Passport photos – Some extra passport-sized photos are a fantastic idea to have on hand in case you need to apply for a visa.
  • Employment Documentation – Take original copies of your employment documentation, including your contract, offer of work, and anything else that may be relevant in the event that you are questioned at the immigration desk at the airport.
  • Cash – Discover your week’s overview and ATM/Bank accessibility prior to departure. To ensure you can pay for initial meals, transportation, and other initial needs, bring at least one week’s worth of local currency with you.
  • Educational qualifications – If you’re a professional going abroad to work, make sure you include a copy of your certified qualification certificates and transcripts. The last thing you want is for them to disappear, but make sure a family member back home knows where the originals are in case they need to send them over.

Medications And Prescriptions

Make sure to check well in advance to see whether any medications you depend on are available where you’re going and whether a prescription is necessary. It can be significantly less expensive to stock up abroad than at home for things that are widely accessible.

Make sure you carry the prescription and the note from your doctor as evidence that the drug was prescribed. Make sure your name is written on the label of the medication. Many nations forbid the import of medicines unless you can show documentation of a prescription.

You can get first aid supplies practically everywhere in the globe, but you should pack essentials like painkillers and anti-diarrhea medications since, trust us, you’ll prefer to have them on hand and they take up very little room.


You decide how many and what kind of electronics you’ll bring. Some of the most typical goods packed are listed below:

  • Smartphone: We always have our smartphones with us, and traveling usually doesn’t change that. You can use them as a camera to take pictures of your new neighbors and house. If you wish to utilize a local SIM card, make sure your phone is unlocked. Ensure that your favorite music playlists are downloaded.
  • Laptop: It’s always a good idea to bring your laptop if you have one. It’s not just useful for updating your resume, looking for work, and keeping in touch with friends and family; it’s also wonderful for binge-watching Netflix after a long day at your new job. Consider the weight of your gadget because smaller, lighter devices are undoubtedly more convenient for travel.
  • Charging adapters and cables: Charger plugs and other cables are some of the most frequently overlooked accessories.
  • Earphones/headphones: To listen to music, podcasts, or language classes while on the go, you must have headphones. Spending money on noise-canceling headphones can save your life on a noisy plane or bus ride.

Travel Essentials Items

These are all items that make packing for travel abroad a lot simpler but choose whatever is right for you.

  • Backpack: While you’ll pack everything into a larger suitcase for travel, you won’t want to tote this bag all the time. Hence, whether you’re going on a trip or going to work, pack a smaller day bag or backpack as well so you may bring a few basics with you.
  • Locks: Bring at least one combination lock with you in case you stay in a hostel with lockers. You can also use it to lock the zippers on your bags.
  • Neck pillow, ear plugs, and eye mask: Neck pillows, earplugs, and eye masks may seem like overkill, but they can make a 12-hour plane ride from hell into a relaxing one. A neck pillow that is inflatable takes up very little room.


You’ll need to select what toiletries are absolutely necessary for you to bring because they are such personal products. In general, the majority of products are readily available everywhere, so it’s impossible to stock up on everything in advance if you’re staying a long time. But, the following are some items you might want to think about bringing:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste: Although they are readily available everywhere, you should take a toothbrush and toothpaste in your hand luggage just in case you need to freshen up while traveling.
  • Sunblock & Bug Spry/Repellent: Sunscreen and bug repellent are always useful to have on hand, depending on the temperature where you’re going and the time of year.
  • Shampoo, conditioner, hair gel: Hair gel, shampoo, and conditioner. Make your hair work for you instead of the other way around by doing whatever it takes.

Take a few items that are distinctive to your home country if you have any extra space. This will prevent you from being homesick or trying to impress other expats. It could be anything, such as beer mats, soft toys, clothing from a certain culture, musical instruments, or even food like Marmite, Tea, or Chocolate. You might also wish to purchase some tiny presents as a welcome gesture if you’re moving into an apartment.