
Emerald Isle Manpower

Four Different Forms Of Communication And How To Significantly Improve Each

For a company to be productive and healthy, communication skills are essential. Communication is the act of passing information from one person to another or to a group of individuals and is frequently characterized as a soft skill or an interpersonal skill. There are numerous communication methods, and each one is crucial for information sharing.

In this blog post, we’ll look more closely at four distinct forms of communication and how to improve your abilities in each.

Importance of communication

Every day, we utilize communication in almost every setting, including the workplace. For developing connections, exchanging ideas, assigning duties, leading a team, and many other things, communication is essential, whether you simply nod your head in agreement or deliver information to a sizable audience.

Gaining effective communication skills can help you advance your career, increase your marketability as a job candidate, and expand your network. Communication and interpersonal skills can definitely be improved and strengthened, even though it takes time and effort.

We primarily communicate using vocal, nonverbal, written, and visual means on a regular basis. It’s best to actively listen, observe, and empathize when using any of these communication techniques. These soft skills can improve your comprehension of a message and your ability to reply sensibly.

The 4 Essential Forms of Communication & How To Improve Them

Types of communication

We exchange information with one another in a variety of ways. For example, you might employ verbal communication when presenting a presentation with a group. While submitting a job application or sending an email, you might employ written communication. Here is a closer examination of the four major types of communication:

1. Verbal

The use of language to convey information through speech or sign language is known as verbal communication. It is one of the most popular varieties and is frequently used in meetings, conferences over the phone, and via video, presentations, and one-on-one interactions. Because it is effective, verbal communication is crucial. Supporting verbal communication with written and nonverbal messages might be beneficial.

You can take the following actions to improve your verbal communication abilities:

  • Speak with a loud, assured voice. Use a loud voice, especially while speaking to a small or large group of people, so that everyone can readily hear you. Speaking with assurance will make it easier for others to understand your ideas.
  • Listen attentively. The flip side of verbal communication is paying close attention to what people are saying and hearing them. While leading a meeting, giving a presentation, or even taking part in a one-on-one chat, active listening skills are essential. You will develop as a communicator by doing this.
  • Keep away from unnecessary words. It can be tempting to use filler words like “uh,” “like,” “so,” or “yeah,” especially when giving a presentation. While pausing after a statement or gathering your thoughts might feel natural, it can also be inconvenient for your listeners. Consider giving your presentation to a reliable friend or coworker who can point out your use of filler terms. When you find yourself inclined to utilize them, try to replace them by taking a breath.

2. Nonverbal

Nonverbal communication is the exchange of information with others through body language, gestures, and facial expressions. It can be used both purposefully and unintentionally. When you hear a good or entertaining concept or fact, for instance, you might unconsciously smile. While attempting to comprehend the thoughts and feelings of another, nonverbal communication can be useful.

If they are demonstrating “closed” body language, such as crossed arms or slumped shoulders, they can be feeling worried, irritated, or nervous. They may be feeling upbeat and receptive to knowing if they are standing with both feet on the ground and their arms at their sides or on the table in “open” body language.

You can take the following actions to improve your nonverbal communication abilities:

  • Take note of how your emotions make you feel physically –  Throughout the day, as you feel various emotions (such as energized, bored, happy, or frustrated), try to pinpoint where you feel that emotion in your body. For example, if you’re anxious, you might notice your stomach tightening. Increasing your self-awareness of how your emotions affect your body can give you more control over your external presentation.
  • Be mindful of your nonverbal communication – When you are alert, open, and positive about your surroundings, make an effort to display positive body language. If you are confused or anxious about information, you can use body language to support your verbal communication, such as a furrowed brow. Ask follow-up questions or pull the presenter aside to provide feedback using body language in addition to verbal communication.
  • Imitate effective nonverbal communication – If you find that certain facial expressions or body language are beneficial in a given situation, use them as a guide when working on your own nonverbal communication skills. For example, if you notice that nodding your head effectively communicates approval and positive feedback, use it in your next meeting when you have the same feelings.

3. Visual

Visual communication is the act of conveying information through photographs, art, drawings, sketches, charts, and graphs. Visuals are frequently used as an aid during presentations to provide the context in addition to written and/or verbal communication. Because everyone has a different learning style, visual communication may be more effective in helping some people consume ideas and information.

Here are some steps you can take to improve your visual communication abilities:

  • Before including visuals, consult with others – Consider asking for feedback if you plan to include a visual aid in your presentation or email. Including visuals can sometimes make concepts unclear. Obtaining a third-party opinion can assist you in determining whether the visual adds value to your communications.
  • Consider your target audience – Include visuals that your audience can easily understand. For example, if you’re displaying a chart with unfamiliar data, take the time to explain what’s going on in the visual and how it relates to what you’re saying. You should never, ever use sensitive, offensive, violent, or graphic visuals.

Set personal goals to work through the things you want to accomplish step by step to improve your communication skills. It may be beneficial to consult with trusted colleagues, managers, or mentors to determine which areas should be prioritized first.

3. Written 

Written communication is the act of conveying information by writing, typing, or printing symbols such as letters and numbers. It is useful because it keeps a record of information for future reference. Books, pamphlets, blogs, letters, memos, and other forms of writing are commonly used to disseminate information. In the workplace, emails and chats are common forms of written communication.

Here are some steps you can take to improve your written communication abilities:

  • Aim for simplicity – Written communications should be as straightforward and straightforward as possible. While including a lot of detail in instructional communications, for example, is beneficial, you should look for areas where you can write as clearly as possible for your audience to understand.
  • Don’t rely on tone of voice – Because you lack the nuance of verbal and nonverbal communication, be cautious when attempting to convey a specific tone through writing. Attempting to communicate a joke, sarcasm, or excitement, for example, may be translated differently depending on the audience. Instead, keep your writing as simple and straightforward as possible, and then follow up with verbal communications in which you can add more personality.
  • Take some time to go over your written communications – Setting aside time to re-read your emails, letters, or memos can assist you in identifying errors or opportunities to say something different. It may be beneficial to have a trusted colleague review important communications or those that will be sent to a large number of people.
  • Keep a file of writing that you find useful or enjoyable – If you receive a pamphlet, email, or memo that you find especially useful or interesting, keep it for future reference when writing your own communications. Including methods or styles that you enjoy can help you improve over time.