
Emerald Isle Manpower

Top 10 Tips to Get Hired Fast

Top 10 Job interview tips. When was the last time you said, “I wish my job search took longer?” Probably never. For most people, the goal is to get through the job search as quickly as possible. And there are times when you need to fast-track that timeline even further.

Sometimes, the desire or need to look for a job can lead you to take actions that are detrimental to your results. Rushing submissions by submitting as many applications as possible often leads to mistakes and poor results. If you need to get a job like yesterday, make strategic, well-planned moves to get quick results.

Top 10 Job Interview Tips

Job hunting doesn’t have to be difficult. Slowing down the process and fine-tuning your presentation can actually help you speed up results. Consider these actionable tips to put yourself in a better position to succeed.

Job interview tips: Be selective in your submissions

The more applications you submit, the better your chances of getting an interview, right? In fact, it’s often the opposite. It’s memorable vital that quality is a higher priority than amount in your pursuit of employment. A few well-targeted applications are more likely to land you an interview than a dozen generic applications. When you apply for jobs, take the time to research each company before applying. Top 10 job interview tips

Job interview tips: Change your resume and cover letter

Every time you apply for a job, you should take the time to tailor your application and cover letter to that specific role. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for the employer to see how your previous experience fits the position perfectly. With so many applications to sort through, most recruiters only look at each one before moving on. That’s why it’s essential to have a well-written, attention-grabbing resume that makes an impact in seconds.

Don’t ignore the power of your cover letter. This is valuable real estate in the job hunting world. You can be a little more formal and detailed when you speak to the recruiter with your energy and passion.

Job interview tips: Beware of Job Scams

It is important to be cautious when searching online as there are many scams and fraudsters looking to take advantage of desperate job seekers. Instead of responding to every clickbait headline and promise of quick employment, take the time to research companies and only apply for jobs on reputable websites. While this may take some time before, it will save you a lot of time and headaches in the long run by helping to protect your identity.

For the safest and most reliable job search, apply directly through each company’s website or use a service like Emerald Isle Manpower, we hand-screen every job to ensure a fraud-free job search for our candidates.

Be Thorough and Organized

The job market can be challenging and competition is fierce. So, if you’ve done your research, submitted a great resume, and interviewed, but haven’t heard back from an employer, it’s reasonable (and often expected) for you to follow up. A simple email check shows you’re still interested in the role and puts you top of mind for the hiring manager.

Be careful not to come across as pushy or pessimistic – strike a balance between confidence and friendliness. If the post specifically says not to contact them, it’s best to respect their wishes and move on. The last thing you want is to burn any bridges!

Devote Time to Volunteering or Freelancing

With bills piling up during your job search, you may not be interested in committing to a job that isn’t permanent. The thing is, volunteering and freelancing are great ways to get hired fast! You can acquire new skills, but they can be listed as concrete work experience on your resume (which is good when you’re trying to cover some job gaps in your resume). Plus, the new networking contacts you make may connect you with an employer who will hire you!

Network Everywhere

It’s no secret that networking is a key ingredient in the recipe for success. In today’s job market, it’s more important than ever to make sure you put yourself out there and make connections. Whether you’re attending industry events, participating in meetups, or letting your friends and family know you’re looking for a new opportunity, visibility is key.

Of course, if you’re currently employed and looking for a new opportunity, while it’s vital to be proactive in your job search, it’s a good idea to use a little extra discretion in how and where you announce your search.

Mind Your Personal Brand

Have you taken the time to define your personal brand? If your answer is no, or you don’t know, you can’t control how employers perceive you — which means your brand isn’t fully working for you and could actually be harming you. Not sure what your brand is? Basically, it’s the sum total of everything a recruiter or recruiter has access to, and it should support an overall message about where your career goals lie. Analyze your LinkedIn profile, networking efforts, social media and references. Does everything send the same message? If not, work on streamlining that presentation.

Master Your Interviewing Skills

Did your application successfully get you to the interview stage, but you didn’t make it through? Now may be the time to consider how to improve your interviewing skills. Putting your skills to work isn’t just for your resume and cover letter. You want to make sure your answers continue that narrative and share how you’re a good fit for the role.

Use your research to answer common open-ended questions about the job. Take the time to find out how your skills can solve the problems the company is facing. You can practice with a mock interview to increase your success.

Maintain a Flexible Mindset

Let’s say you’re looking for a full-time, remote job as a project manager in the IT industry. Can your goal be too narrow? If you want to get hired quickly—and your job search has been going on longer than you expected—it may be time to rethink your parameters.

You can opt for part-time, remote work in your desired field, or some freelancing work as a project manager in a different industry. Being flexible can give you extra time to pursue your original job search while working simultaneously, depending on the income you need, different experiences for your resume, and your job opportunities.

Choose Responsive References

If you list someone as a reference, you need to be sure that they will respond to potential employers’ requests. The best way to do this is to approach your references and ask them if you can use them as a reference, giving you an opportunity to intervene and gauge their response time. If it takes more than 24 hours for them to contact you, it’s best to use someone else as a reference. You want potential employers to have the information they need immediately. Top 10 job interview tips

Take Charge of Your Job Search

Applying for jobs can sometimes feel like a race against the clock, but if you take your time and focus on quality submissions you’re more likely to land interviews. Make sure your online presence is up-to-date and professional, and follow up with potential employers after submitting your resume. With a little organization, you’ll quickly be on your way to doing that perfect job!

If your goal is to find remote or flexible work, we can help! Take a tour to discover all the ways a Emerald Isle Manpower candidate can help you get hired faster.


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    August 16, 2022

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